
Colouring Challenge #1

Creating a colouring in challenge is a great way to get more from your colouring sheets! Challenge yourself or set a challenge for the kids… the options are endless, but it’s a great way to learn new skills and use mediums you might not usually go for. 

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Inkjet VS Laser… Which printer is better?

You might be wondering which printer is the best fit for printing your awesome colouring sheets. Lucky for you, we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll give you a rundown on the two most popular types of printers- inkjet and laser printers- and which one will suit your printing needs the best. We’ll dive into factors like cost and quality, so you can feel confident in making an informed decision for your next colouring project. So sit back, relax, and get ready to find out which printer will give you the best printing results yet!

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